Python Programming
Python Programming - base and advance
Course duration:
45 hours | 2 months (Live online/classroom training+ Projects + assignment/case studies + Interview preparation)
Training Mode:
Online & Classroom
Course Fees:
- Group training – INR 15000 | USD 450 (Other countries)
- Individual training – INR 30000 | USD 650 (Other countries).
Pre-requisites for Python Course:
To attend this highly evolved Python course, candidates must have basic understanding of maths and computer.
Python Programming Certification:
At end of our course, you will be work on various projects. Once you completed your assigned projects with expected results we will issue Python Certificate.
Syllabus - program of study:
✔ History & need of Python
✓ Application of Python
✔ Advantages of Python
✓ Disadvantages of Python
✔ Installing Python
✔ Program structure
✔ Python Editors
✔ User Interface or IDE
✔Jupyter notebook & Customize Settings
✓ Concept of Packages/Libraries/modules Important packages overview
✓ Installing & loading Packages
✓ String
✓ Numeric
✓ Boolean
✓ Floats
✓ Object types
✓ Arithmetic Operators
✓ Relational Operators
✓ Logical Operators
✓ Assignment Operators
- if Statement
- if-else Statement
- if-elif Statement
- Nested if Statements
- Python Indentation
ii. Looping and Iteration
- For Loop
- While Loop
- Loop else Statement
- Nested Loops
- Ternary Loops
- Break and Continue
- Introduction to Functions
- Using a Functions
- Python Function Types
- String functions
- Numeric functions
- Container functions
- Object and class functions
- Date time
- Structure of Python Functions
- map(), zip(), reduce(), filter(), etc.
ii. User Defined Functions Types of Functions
- Flow of Execution
- Arguments and Parameters
- Lambda function
- Error handeling
i. List
- Introduction to List
- Creating List
- Indexing/Slicing
- Replicating List
- Insert/Append/Delete/Sort
ii. Dictionary
- Introduction of Dictionary
- Creating Dictionary
- Accessing values
- Indexing/Slicing
- Replicating Dictionary
- Insert/Append/Delete/Sort
- Keys() values()
iii. Tuple
- Introduction of Tuple
- Creating Tuple
- Accessing Tuple
- Indexing/Slicing
- Replicating Tuple
- Insert/Append/Delete/Sort.
iv. Set
- Introduction of Set
- Creating Set
- Accessing Set
- Indexing/Slicing
- Replicating Tuple
- Insert/Append/Delete/Sort
- Set operations
v. String
- Introduction to Python String
- Accessing Individual Elements
- String Operators
- String Slices
- String Functions and Methods.
- Anaconda
- NumPy
- Pandas
- Matplotlib
- Seaborn
- Scikit-learn
- Create Documentation
- Code mode
- Markdown mode
- Creating NumPy arrays
- Creating multidimensional arrays
- NumPy data types
- Array attributes
- Indexing and Slicing
- Creating array views copies
- Array Manipulation
- Numpy Statistical functions
- Pandas Series
- Pandas Data Frames
- Data Slicing/Indexing/Filtering
- Grouping, aggregating
- Dropping variables
- Creating Subgroups/Binning
- Renaming
- Data type conversions
- Sorting data
- Handling duplicates
- Missing value
- Generate summary tables
- Manipulate dates
- Data wrangling
- Merging and joining
- Appending
- Sampling
- Pandas exercises
- Scatter plot
- Bar charts,
- histogram
- Stack charts
- Pie
- Box plot
- Legend title Style
- Figures and subplots
- Plotting function in pandas
- Labelling and arranging figures
- Save plots
- Matplotlib exercises
- Case studies
- Assignments
- projects with industry data