Our Featured Courses

Python Programing
Basic & advance python Data visualization | Reporting pandas | NumPy | Matplotlib
45 hours | 2 Months
Fee INR 15000 | $450 (Other countries)
45 hours | 2 Months
Fee INR 15000 | $450 (Other countries)

R Programing
Basic & advance python Data visualization | Reporting dplyr| ggplot2 | R Markdown
45 hours | 2 Months
Fee INR 15000 | $450 (Other countries)
45 hours | 2 Months
Fee INR 15000 | $450 (Other countries)

SAS Programing
Basic & advance SAS Data manipulation | Visualization | Proc SQL | SAS Micros
50 hours | 2 Months
Fee INR 20000 | $550 (Other countries)
50 hours | 2 Months
Fee INR 20000 | $550 (Other countries)

Data science & Machine learning with Python
Data science | Machine learning Predictive modelling | Text mining Supervised ML | Unsupervised ML
75 hours | 3 Months Fee INR 25000 | $650 (Other countries)
75 hours | 3 Months Fee INR 25000 | $650 (Other countries)

Data science and Machine learning with R
Supervised ML | Unsupervised ML Predictive modelling
45 hours | 2 Months
Fee INR 20000 | $550 (Other countries)
45 hours | 2 Months
Fee INR 20000 | $550 (Other countries)

Data science using SAS
Data science | Predictive modelling Statistical techniques
45 hours | 2 Months
Fee INR 15000 | $450 (Other countries)
45 hours | 2 Months
Fee INR 15000 | $450 (Other countries)

Business Analytics using SPSS
Basic SPSS | Advance SPSS Statistical techniques.
45 hours | 2 Months
Fee INR 15000 | $550 (Other countries)
45 hours | 2 Months
Fee INR 15000 | $550 (Other countries)

Basic and Advance Excel
25 hours | 1 Months
Fee INR 10000 | $350 (Foreign Countries)
Fee INR 10000 | $350 (Foreign Countries)

Basic SQL | Advance SQL | SQL Database | SQL Server
45 hours | 1.5 Months Fee INR 15000 | $450 (Foreign Countries)
45 hours | 1.5 Months Fee INR 15000 | $450 (Foreign Countries)

AI and Deep learning using Python
AI | Deep learning | Tensor Flow CNN | RNN | RBM | TFlearn | Keras
Fee INR 25000 | $750 (Foreign Countries)

Data visualization using Tableau
Basic Tableau | Advance Tableau | Tableau Desktop | Tableau Server
25 hours | 1 Months
Fee INR 12000 | $400 (Foreign Countries)

Data visualization using Power BI
Basic Power BI | Advance Power BI | Power BI Desktop | Excel
30 hours | 1 Months
Fee INR 15000 | $450 (Foreign Countries)
Analytic Foundation, pioneers in the education industry
With over 10+ years of experience transforming millions of lives, we are dedicated to equipping and empowering learners with essential skills.
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Advance Courses
Year of Experience
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